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Yaham’s VMS helps to regulate traffic on express way

2020 News 15330
Yaham’s VMS helps to regulate traffic on express way - yaham

The Coronavirus prevention and control is entering into a critical phrase as the traffic system is undergoing a national wide immigration due to the Spring Festival. Coronavirus is a highly contagious infection and how to prevent and control it remains a huge challenge to the entire road transportation system. Yaham is doing its little bit to prevent the Coronavirus from spreading by deploying its VMS on express way.

Yaham’s VMS helps to regulate traffic on express way - yaham
Yaham’s VMS helps to regulate traffic on express way - yaham

The fight with Coronavirus is a must-win war that requires collective efforts, Yaham will continue to do its best to get through it as soon as possible.

Yaham’s VMS helps to regulate traffic on express way - yaham
Yaham’s VMS helps to regulate traffic on express way - yaham
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