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Congratulations to The 10th Anniversary of The Founding of Yaham VMS

2015 News 15760

The year 1886 is regarded as the birth year of the modern car. In that year, German inventor Karl Benz built the Benz Patent-Motorwagen. Cars did not become widely available and massively produced until the turn of 20th century. Since the year 1970, the car volume had been doubling in every 15 years. According to International Energy Agency, the total volume of cars has outnumbered 1.4 billion,

the International Transport Forum said this number is believed to reach up to 1.7 billion by 2035 and 2.4 billion by 2050. It follows that the world is confronting with a huge problem–traffic congestion. According to TomTom, a navigation service provider in Netherland, revealed in 2015, among the 216 cities they have been studying, more than 100 cities are suffering from terrible traffic congestion, of the 100 cities, 21 cities are in China. In 2014, the time wasted in traffic congestion for each driver during evening rush hour beyonds 100 hours on average.

Congratulations to The 10th Anniversary of The Founding of Yaham VMS - yaham

The traffic congestion has become a worldwide problem, as an indispensable part of rail transportation, urban transportation and expressway transportation system, the led variable message sign is becoming increasingly important in displaying live traffic information and directing traffic.

Since the founding of Yaham VMS in 2005, Yaham has been working on reinventing the way to display in transportation and has released a series of traffic products in last decade, Yaham is among the rare companies that thoroughly carry on the standards of EN12966. As of now, more than 2000 VMSs are displaying traffic information and regulating traffic in China and more than 3500 installations are doing so in more than 60 countries. Meanwhile, you can also see our tenacious determination to regenerate our products on parts like light pollution, power consumption and application of renewable energy. Yaham VMS also participated in drawing up the standards of Shenzhen transportation and NTCIP domestication.

On entering November, 2015, it is the 10th anniversary of the founding of Yaham VMS, Yaham VMS has been carrying on our commitment we vowed 10 years ago—to contribute to ease and facilitate world transportation by led technology.

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