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          Cricket Ground, Melbourne, Australia

          Cricket Ground, Melbourne, Australia

          The Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) is the largest stadium in the Southern Hemisphere, the 11th largest globally, and the second-largest cricket ground by capacity, after the Narendra Modi Stadium. With an total area of 1600㎡(17,200ft²), the LED displays built by Yaham in MCG brought an impressive game da...

          2020 Summer Olympics, Tokyo, Japan

          2020 Summer Olympics, Tokyo, Japan

          The Olympic Games are considered the world's foremost sports competition. As one of suppliers of 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, Yaham provided high-quality LED displays for sport events and made best endeavors to promote global sports development. ,

          Adelaide Oval, Australia

          Adelaide Oval, Australia

          Adelaide Oval is predominantly used for cricket and Australian rules football and is known as “one of the most picturesque Test cricket grounds in Australia”. Yaham provided over 800㎡(8,600ft²) ribbon board LED displays for this stadium, enhancing the atmosphere of the scene and bringing a more excit...

          Consulting Products
          Consulting Products Consulting Products